Blaire Rikard

Course Coordinator for Business Leadership
Pratt School of Engineering

Blaire Rikard, BS, is a third-year medical school student at Duke University School of Medicine and a master’s student in the Master of Medical Sciences in Medical Education (MMSc-MEd) program at Harvard Medical School. Professionally, she is pursuing a career in Diagnostic Radiology. Her research interests include curriculum innovation, course design, and the use of medical extended reality (MXR) for medical education purposes.

Blaire currently serves as a Teaching Assistant (TA) for RADIOLOGY 205C: Core Clerkship in Radiology and previously served as a TA for INTERDIS 205C: Clinical Skills Foundation 2. Nationally, she was one of ten medical students serving on the National Board of Medical Examiners’ (NBME) Creative Community Student Advisory Committee. In this role, she was both a Content Reviewer and Communications Liaison, partnering with faculty to design and develop an Objective Structured Clinical Exam for Clinical Reasoning assessment.



  • Rikard BK, French RJ, Martin JG. Novel radiology PRIMER course enhances medical student perception of radiology and key concept comprehension. Curr Probl Diagn Radiol. 2024;53(4):494-498. doi:10.1067/j.cpradiol.2024.01.024
  • Lang M, Ghandour S, Rikard B, Balasalle EK, Rouhezamin MR, Zhang H, Uppot RN. Medical Extended Reality for Radiology Education and Training. J Am Coll Radiol. 2024 Jun 10:S1546-1440(24)00516-7. doi: 10.1016/j.jacr.2024.05.006. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38866067.
  • Epstein AA & Janos SN, Menozzi L, Pegram K, Jain V, Bisset LC, Davis JT, Morrison S, Shailaja A, Guo Y, Chao AS, Abdi K, Rikard B, Yao J, Gregory SG, Fisher K, Pittman R, Erkanli A, Gustafson KE, Carrico CWT, Malcolm WF, Inder TE, Cotten CM, Burt TD, Shinohara ML, Maxfield CM & Benner EJ. Subventricular zone stem cell niche injury is associated with intestinal perforation in preterm infants and predicts future motor impairment. Cell Stem Cell. 2024;31(4):467-483.e6. doi:10.1016/j.stem.2024.03.001
  • Martin JG, Medema AM, Rikard BK, van den Hoek G, Chisholm M. Sickle Cell Disease and Uterine Fibroids: Evaluation of the Prevalence of Fibroids across Sickle Cell Genotypes. medRxiv March 2024.
  • Chao AS, Matak P, Pegram K, Powers J, Hutson C, Jo R, Dubois L, Thompson JW, Smith PB, Jain V, Liu C, Younge NE, Rikard B, Reyes EY, Shinohara ML, Gregory SG, Goldberg RN, & Benner EJ. 20-αHydroxycholesterol, an oxysterol in human breast milk, reverses mouse neonatal white matter injury through Gli-dependent oligodendrogenesis. Cell Stem Cell. 2023;30(8):1054-1071.e8.
  • Sayres LC, Younge NE, Rikard B, Corcoran DL, Modliszewski JL, Hughes BL. The gestational membrane microbiome in the presence or absence of intraamniotic infection. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MFM. 2023;0(0). doi:10.1016/j.ajogmf.2022.100837
  • Uchitel J, Alden E, Bhutta ZA, Cavallera V, Lucas J, Oberklaid F, Patterson J, Raghavan C, Richter L, Rikard B, Russell RR, Mikati MA. Role of Pediatricians, Pediatric Associations, and Academic Departments in Ensuring Optimal Early Childhood Development Globally: Position Paper of the International Pediatric Association. Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics. 2022;43(8):e546. doi:10.1097/DBP.0000000000001112
  • Uchitel J, Wallace K, Tran L, Abrahamsen T, Hunanyan A, Prange L, Jasien J, Caligiuri L, Pratt M, Rikard B, Fons C, De Grandis E, Vezyroglou A, Heinzen EL, Goldstein DB, Vavassori R, Papadopoulou MT, Cocco I, Moré R; Duke AHC Research Group; French AHC Consortium, Arzimanoglou A, Panagiotakaki E, Mikati MA. Alternating hemiplegia of childhood: evolution over time and mouse model corroboration. Brain Commun. 2021;3(3):fcab128. doi:10.1093/braincomms/fcab12
  • Pratt M, Uchitel J, McGreal N, Gordon K, Prange L, McLean M, Noel RJ, Rikard B, Rogers Boruta MK, Mikati MA. Alternating Hemiplegia of Childhood: gastrointestinal manifestations and correlation with neurological impairments. Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2020;15(1):231. doi:10.1186/s13023-020-01474-w

Awards, Honors, and Distinctions

  • Geoffrey Brant Walton Scholar, Duke University School of Medicine
  • Armstrong Humanities Scholar, Duke University School of Medicine
  • Best Undergraduate Abstract, Duke Department of Pediatrics Annual Research Retreat (2020)